Enovio Venture studio is dedicated to supporting innovation identification and commercialization in the built environment.
We create ventures from scratch that address significant challenges or tap into the most promising opportunities in the built environment.
We are the corporate's execution arm, transforming their most promising concepts from in-house research to viable products to stand-alone businesses.
We evaluate the corporate research and development department's inventions and help them to commercialize and productize their new innovations.
“We identify/ develop new innovations in the built environment and support commercialization, adoption, and scalability efforts"
We define innovation as the successful application of innovative ideas it can be the step for change, the best practice that could be a product, the process, or service new to the specific context rather than to the world that creates value that could be economical, commercial, environmental, societal, etc.”
"We are a sector focus on the built environment which can be defined as the human-side surroundings that supply the settings for human activities ranging from buildings to smart cities. It is the human-made space in which people live, work, and (re)create on a day-to-day basis”
We support creating and boosting ventures at any stage throughout the whole lifecycle
Build the future with us!
Michigan: 2350 Green Rd #175c, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48105